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T-Shirt Design

For this project, it took a long time. First  I made mood boards, then I picked something off the mood board that I would like to draw. I chose my quote and wrote it out then added pineapples to it. After I wrote it all, I then wrote each thing separately on a new sheet of paper. After that I then wrote those papers on a big sticker sheet and cut it out. I then stuck the big sticker on to a certain type of screen and connected that screening paper to a screen printing frame. After the print was all set up in the frame, I grabbed my shirt and put books underneath. After my shirt was set up with the books, I put the frame on. Then lastly I started painting with blue fabric ink and a squeegee. The squeegee is what I used to make the paint perfect and not to blotchy. After my paint was dry, I then finally lifted the screen up and my design was done. The first picture was my rough draft design and the second picture is my final project. One thing I liked about this project was choosing my own colors and choosing what to put on the shirt. Something I found easy would probably have been nothing, this was actually a fairly hard project. The hardest thing was making the letters and having just the right amount of paint. Something I don't like is how one of my pineapples turned out and how the paint doesn't show up every where. If I were to do this again I would chose an easier design to make. Lastly I hope you enjoyed my project, because even though it was difficult, it was still fun!

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